Fox News Whitesplains To Beyonce The Appropriate Civil Rights Leaders She Should Honor

Fox News Whitesplains To Beyonce The Appropriate Civil Rights Leaders She Should Honor

For the fourth day in a row, Fox News devoted air time to bitching about Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime show, revealing that they won’t be stopping this particular old white conservative faux outrage express anytime soon.

The issue Fox and the rest of the Conservative Entertainment Complex have with the performance is essentially that it was too black. However, because they can’t just say that, they’ve targeted Beyonce’s references to the Black Panthers, Malcolm X and Black Lives Matter in the song lyrics of ‘Formation’ as well as the costumes and choreography, claiming it was all inappropriate and too political.

On Thursday morning, Fox News legal analyst (and personal lawyer to Roger Ailes) Peter Johnson, Jr. visited the curvy couch sitting mouth-breathers at Fox & Friends to basically provide the official Fox opinion on the whole made-up controversy. The fact is, whenever Johnson appears on air, he is spewing unfiltered commentary directly from the mouth of Ailes. In this instance, he reprimanded the musical superstar for emulating and honoring the “wrong” civil rights leaders and activists, and helpfully explained who Beyonce should look up to and pay homage to.

After Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade introduced the segment, complete with “some people are saying,” Johnson jumped in to let the audience know why the whole thing was super-offensive to middle America A/K/A white folks.

“Well, at one point during the show, Beyoncé and her dancers, they formed an “X” on the field. And some have interpreted this as a tribute to Malcolm X, the assassinated civil rights leader. Beyoncé and her dancers were all dressed in black. At one point they raised a fist like the black power salutes that we saw during the civil rights movement and even at the Olympics, and then wore black berets. Now why black berets? Some critics have likened those black berets to what the Black Panther Party wore in the ’60s and ’70s. And we see a photo of them. They, for the most part, were a criminal, violent group, dedicated to Marxist change in America, and responsible for a lot of violence, including a lot of black-on-black violence in the African-American community throughout the United States. So that’s what stimulated this.”

Ahh, but as Doocy pointed out, it wasn’t just the dancing and clothes. No, the song is also totally anti-police, which Johnson confirmed. (Making sure to highlight that Beyonce had a police escort to the Super Bowl.)

“Yeah, and it’s a compelling video and I’ve watched it several times. The video for the song “Formation” features a scene of an African-American boy wearing a hoodie before a line of police officers with the words “stop shooting us” on a wall. This outraged members of the National Sheriffs Association. They turned off the TV when Beyoncé appeared during the Super Bowl, saying they consider this song absolutely anti-police. A lot of other people, people like Peter King, have tweeted “Beyonce Formation video & #SB50 act was anti-police, shameful. Repeats big lie of Michael Brown innocence. Cops deserve support, not criminals.” So Twitter users were also angered and they quickly pointed out that Beyoncé actually had a police escort to the Super Bowl stadium for the performance.”

Finally, though, we get to where Johnson gets to whitesplaining to Beyonce what she needs to do so white people feel more comfortable. And that is only honoring MLK because that is the one civil rights icon conservative white America is OK with.

“They’re saying Beyoncé’s a great artist and Beyoncé says that she’s proud of the message of both the video and the performance. And supporters say the music video speaks to her heritage as a black woman. And I’ve watched it and it does. One supporter tweeting “When she sang about Single Ladies, you were all hailing her as a queen, but now that she’s singing about being black, it’s #boycottBeyonce?” Here’s the point. The point is that there are a lot of civil rights leaders that Beyoncé could emulate and talk about. Black Panthers are not someone that need to be emulated.”

So ends our episode of Whitesplaining Black History.

Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Fox News:


Justin Baragona

Justin Baragona is the founder/publisher of Contemptor and a contributor to The Daily Beast. He was previously the Cable News Correspondent for Mediaite and prior to starting Contemptor, he worked on the editorial staff of PoliticusUSA. During that time, he had his work quoted by USA Today and BBC News, among others. Justin began his published career as a political writer for 411Mania. He resides in St. Louis, MO with his wife and pets.

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