Who’s Your Daddy, Donald? Trump Will Be At Next Fox Debate Moderated By Megyn Kelly

During the vast majority of his campaign for the White House, Republican Presidential candidate and sweaty lump of belly-button lint Donald Trump has presented himself as the Big Dick. Essentially, he has all the leverage, he draws all the eyeballs, he brings in all the big ratings, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants. He doesn’t have to listen to anybody and it is his way or the highway.
All that came crashing down when he finished in second place in the Iowa GOP caucus, vastly underperforming his poll numbers heading into Monday night. Both Ted Cruz — the caucus winner — and Marco Rubio — who nearly overtook Trump at the end of the evening with 23% of the vote — both overshot the predictions. It appears that one of the key drivers in Trump falling in Iowa was his decision to throw a Trumpertantrum and bail out of the last GOP debate before the caucuses.
On Friday, Trump demurred and told Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg that he plans on showing up to Fox News’ next GOP debate, which is scheduled for early March ahead of Michigan’s primary. The network had already pointed out that they would not change moderators for the event, sticking with Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace.
Now, according to Trump, he never, ever, ever had a problem with Kelly as the moderator for the last debate and his whole issue was with the network mocking him in a snarky press release. However, the only reason Roger Ailes and Co. even went that far was because The Donald was demanding Kelly be removed as moderator, saying she was “biased” due to her asking him a question about sexism at the first Fox debate. He then spent several days attacking her on Twitter, at campaign rallies and in the media.
However, with his national poll numbers falling, and New Hampshire now looking like it could be much closer than he ever anticipated, the celebrity billionaire realizes he can’t be in the position of making demands right now. Media coverage is shifting to Rubio, Cruz and the Democratic race. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have agreed to more debates, and just concluded one that was the most compelling — BY FAR — of this election season.
Beyond that, when Trump decided to ditch the last GOP debate, 12.5 million people still tuned into Fox News that evening, while only about 3 million watched MSNBC and CNN to see his ‘For The Vets’ rally. He is suddenly seeing himself placed in a situation of being just another candidate, and he’s not sucking all of the oxygen out of the room as he did in the early months. Votes that count are now being cast. This is the real deal now. And, sadly for Donald, he is the most unpopular man in the room.