Why Is Trump Inviting Low-Polling Losers Huckabee And Santorum To His Amazing Trumpathon?

Shortly after Republican Presidential frontrunner and malformed cantaloupe Donald Trump tweeted that two candidates had inquired about attending his totally for the vets campaign event, both Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum announced that they’d be in attendance. The two erstwhile White House hopefuls will amble on over to Drake University after wrapping up the kiddies table debate on Fox News earlier in the evening.
As we all know by now, The Donald is all mad at Fox News for insisting on having mean ol’ Megyn Kelly as a moderator for Thursday night’s debate. Therefore, in an attempt to prove that he’s bigger than the Fair and Balanced network, he’s boycotting the last GOP debate before the Iowa caucuses and hosting a competing event that will surely be picked up by the other cable news networks. The celebrity billionaire is banking on the ratings for the debate to tank without him there, while also assuming tons of people will tune into him on the rival networks.
Considering that he’s promising the most amazing, luxurious, phenomenal, great, unbelievable event that will benefit all the terrific veterans that have been treated so terribly by our shitty elected officials President that doesn’t want America to be great (again), it kind of boggles the mind why he would invite such goddamned losers like Huck and the Fecal Discharge Kid? Since ratings and poll numbers are all that matters in this country, why is he allowing these two to sully his stage and insult all of those wounded warriors with their loserness?
Per RealClearPolitics, Santorum hasn’t gotten above 1% in any state or national poll in like forever. The Huckster is doing a little better, as he’s consistently in the 1-2% range. In the latest New Hampshire GOP poll conducted by Suffolk, both men clocked in at a big fat zero. After Fox’s GOP debate, they’ll likely not be allowed anywhere near a podium, as the networks won’t be holding undercard debates anymore and trimming the fat for the main stage.
Donald Trump prides himself on being the winningest winner who ever won in the history of winning. He can’t stand losers and hangers-on. So, why is he surrounding himself with these two? I don’t know. Maybe he’s just looking for a couple of scapegoats in case this whole thing blows up in his face.