Joe Scarborough: Trump’s Campaign Is Just Like “Springtime For Hitler” From ‘The Producers’

Throughout the Summer of Trump — which has now morphed into the Age of Trump — MSNBC’s Morning Joe became one of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s favorite landing spots. Over the past few months, the celebrity billionaire has made dozens of appearances on the show, where co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough have allowed him to ramble on endlessly while treating him with kid gloves. Whenever Trump hasn’t been on, the two have spoken about him tirelessly, basically doing PR work for him.
However, after The Donald unleashed his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, the duo have tried to distance themselves somewhat from the wannabe fascist dictator. While Trump has done interviews with the show since then, they have been more contentious, with Scarborough memorably cutting him off to go to commercial after Trump refused to stop spewing nonsense. Joe has also taken to his Twitter account to refute the real estate mogul’s statements about Muslims, perhaps feeling a slight twinge of guilt over the monster he helped create.
During Tuesday’s broadcast, Scarborough threw out a theory about Trump regarding his constant outrageous and racist statements that only seem to help his standing among GOP voters. Referencing Mel Brooks’ classic The Producers, Joe claimed that the Republican Presidential candidate was purposely trying to undermine his own campaign by acting like an unhinged bigot, only to see it backfire.
“It’s like The Producers. Like they are purposely trying — Trump’s purposely trying to fail. He’s working overtime. This is his “Springtime for Hitler.” And he’s purposely trying to fail. And the more he tries to fail, the more successful he gets.
This is the political equivalent of “Springtime for Hitler. This is The Producers.”
It is an interesting and viable hypothesis, to be sure. Trump, having done better than he thought initially, realizes that there is an actual chance he might win the White House and be forced to actually do the job of President of the United States. Wanting only to get a bunch of media attention and satiate his ego with a short Presidential run, one where he could leave at or near the top of the polls, the former reality TV star decides he needs to blow it up by essentially disqualifying himself with inflammatory and racist comments. However, it just won’t work, as his supporters love him even more.
Or, it could be that Trump is just a fucking pig and this is who he is, and he really thinks this is what the country needs in terms of a leader. And, being the binary-thinking, simplistic absolutist he is, this was the only campaign he ever could have run, and he figured it would work because he knows that Republicans are by and large white racists.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC: