Andrea Tantaros: Trump Was Smart To Attack “Whiny Weak Female” Hillary For Bathroom Break

While most news networks and publications covered GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s latest shitheel comments with the amount of condemnation they deserved, the good folks at Fox News largely gave him a pass because of course. This time around, Trump talked about Hillary Clinton’s bathroom use and her getting “schlonged” by Barack Obama in 2008 during a campaign rally on Monday night. Apparently, this was in retaliation for Clinton stating that ISIS is using The Donald’s rampant Islamophobia as a recruiting tool in the Muslim world.
One of Trump’s biggest defenders on Tuesday was Fox News contributor and Outnumbered co-host Andrea Tantaros. During the broadcast of the female-centric panel show, the perpetually outraged Tantaros scrunched up her nose and tossed all women under the bus, claiming it was a very smart thing for the celebrity billionaire to say as it puts Hillary in the position of looking like a “whiny, weak female” who may not be able to handle ISIS. Yeah, she really said that. Of course, for those familiar with Andrea’s work, this should come as no surprise.
Prior to Tantaros giving her well-reasoned and extremely nuanced commentary regarding a vulgar 69-year-old reality TV star crassly talking about a woman going to the bathroom, fellow co-host and former MTV VJ Kennedy weighed in. According to Kennedy, who wears glasses so is obviously very, very smart, Trump shouldn’t have said those things, but Clinton started the fight with him, so she had it coming.
After some more back and forth among the panel, that is when we got Tantaros’ sizzling hot take on the situation:
“He shouldn’t have said it. He — I think that he doesn’t need to say those type of things, because he knows that historically Hillary likes to play the victim, and he knows that now her campaign’s talking about this. But this campaign season’s different. People don’t care about political correctness. They don’t. And, frankly, I think what he’s doing may be smart because it baits Hillary to come out and look like a wimp. A whiny, weak female. And her campaign has to make up its mind. Is she a strong leader who can handle criticism about going to the potty or not? Or is she a victim? Can she handle ISIS or can’t she? And you know what, Trump knows that and he’s baiting her and it’s masterful. I have to say. She’s going to lose this one.
She looks very, very weak and victim-like. And in this environment, that is a losing strategy.”
Such gravitas, such intelligence, such insight. Where does Fox find these amazing people?
This wasn’t the only place Tantaros dispensed her terrific analysis. Earlier in the day, she appeared on Fox Business’s Varney and Co., explaining that the reason Trump is going to win in 2016 is blue-collar men are sick of living in a woman’s world that has been feminized, and they want someone who will give them their masculinity back. Y’know, like a spray-tanned silver-spooner who eats his pizza with a fork. That’s a man who just exudes masculinity.
Below is video of the Outnumbered segment, courtesy of Fox News: