Fox’s Kimberly Guilfoyle: If You Really Want To Close Gitmo, Just Kill All The Detainees

During Friday’s broadcast of Fox News’ The Five, co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle gave her totally educated and sober analysis when it comes to the debate over whether or not the prison at Guantanamo Bay should remain open. Speaking to her other level-headed colleagues on the panel, Guilfoyle reasonably asserted that the best way for President Obama to achieve his desire to shut down Gitmo was for us to kill all the detainees.
After lead host Eric Bolling discussed President Obama’s statements at a press conference over his intent to close Gitmo and the Pentagon’s decision to release 17 low-level detainees, he wanted to know if this means the terror problem is solved. This led to the following response from Guilfoyle:
“He’s so bad, that’s not even like an F in class. He’s got to repeat the year, because he’s so confused. Does he think, what’s his excuse going to be when he closes Gitmo and they’re all like jihadi delight together in Yemen and other places, like regrouping. What’s he going to blame it on then? That’s his counter terrorism strategy?”
Hell, just reading that well thought out analysis, I would have thought it was uttered by Madeline Albright or Zbiginew Brzezinski. So incisive, so profound.
Later on, after fellow panelists Dana Perino and Geraldo Rivera got into a little tiff over the constitutionality of Gitmo and the indefinite detainment of suspected terrorists, our esteemed commentator then provided the ultimate solution to all the issues surrounding the prison.
“I agree, just kill them all and close Gitmo, that’s fine. They don’t have to come here, they don’t have to stay there.”
Well said, Kimberly, Well said. Absolutely nothing can go wrong with a plan like that.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters: