Keep It Classy, Fox! Ralph Peters Says Obama “Is Such A Total Pussy” When It Comes To ISIS

It was obvious going into President Obama’s Sunday night address to the nation from the Oval Office that the usual suspects over in the Conservative Entertainment Complex would automatically bash whatever he said, no matter what. And that certainly came to pass. While Obama didn’t break any new ground with the speech, using the primetime slot to detail what his administration is doing to fight extremism overseas and address the recent shooting in San Bernardino, he essentially wanted to quell and calm fears many might be feeling while calling for calm. It was mostly a way for the President to use his bully pulpit to speak over the shrill outrage that has been coming from the right lately.
Monday morning, Fox News knew it had a commitment to its devoted viewers to give sane and rational analysis of President Obama’s speech. And by sane and rational, we mean going off unhinged and complaining that the Usurper-In-Chief is going to lead to the absolute destruction of the United States.
Appearing on Fox Business’s Varney and Co., Fox News analyst and neocon poop flinger Ralph Peters decided to go R-rated with his latest screed against the President. For those familiar with Peters, you already knew that his ‘analysis’ was going to be nothing more than a rant about how much he hates Obummer and how weak and feckless the community organizer is. In this instance, he must have thought he was on Real Time with Bill Maher, and went blue with his language.
Per Media Matters, below is Peters’ answer to host Stuart Varney’s question regarding his thoughts on Obama’s speech (emphasis added):
“Well, first of all he keeps speaking about “we can’t give in to our fears.” You know, “don’t be afraid.” Look, Mr. President we’re not afraid we’re angry, we’re pissed off, we’re furious. We want you to react, we want you to do something. You’re afraid. I mean this guy is such a total pussy, its stunning. And, you know, we want — we the people, the American people, whom he does not know in any intimate sort of manner, we want action. We want action against Islamic State and then — then, when the president is telling us he is going to destroy ISIS. This is a president who has done more harm to American police departments than he has done to Islamic State. This is a president who restrains our military. He uses it not to defeat ISIS, but for political purposes for political cover. This is a president who doesn’t want to hurt our enemies. This is a president who cares more about thugs in Guantanamo, or thugs in Ferguson, Missouri, than he does about law-abiding American citizens and their right to live in safety and peace.”
You also have to love how Peters was able to toss in some race-baiting at the end of the tirade, just for good measure.
Varney told Peters right after that he cannot use language like that on his show, leading to Peters saying he was sorry. Peters then went on to complain some more about the speech, but Varney once again interrupted and demanded that Peters specifically apologize on the air for the language he has previously used. (Likely, a producer was in Varney’s ear telling him they needed Peters to take it back and apologize ASAP.)
Fox News, where your racist drunk uncle and Donald Trump loving pops can hear an angry white Republican call Obama a pussy.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters: