After Trump Cites Him As Proof Of His 9/11 Lies, Radio Host Immediately Debunks The Donald

Republican Presidential frontrunner and Islamophobia poster child Donald Trump has continued to stick to his thoroughly debunked claim that he saw video of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after the Twin Towers came down on 9/11. Despite numerous fact-checkers, newspapers and cable news outlets repeatedly stating that there is no video evidence to support Trump’s race-baiting lies, the Trumpster has refused to let it go, stating that it is undeniably true and that eventually footage will surface to vindicate him.
After using an old article written after the attacks which only discussed allegations and hearsay regarding possible tailgate-style celebrations failed to satisfy rational-thinking folks, Trump and his sycophants have moved on to new tactics. While Trump has sent his minions to news shows to back him up and blame ancient technology and lack of camera phones for the lack of video footage — footage Trump SWEARS he saw — The donald has taken to his Twitter account (natch) to drop some truth on us plebes.
On Tuesday, Trump posted an image to an old New York Post opinion piece where the writer discusses Arabs celebrating in Paterson, New Jersey. Of course, the article doesn’t provide any proof, and only highlights the rumors as reason to be angry after 9/11. In another tweet, citing it as video evidence, Trump posted a short, edited clip of radio host and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa discussing a few teens seen dancing on that day. Once again, this wasn’t the so-called footage of thousands of jubilant Muslims going nuts over the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Curtis Sliwa – doing tv commentary on 9/13/2001. Good job Curtis. Please send your apologies to @realDonaldTrump.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2015
Well, Sliwa was none too happy that Trump took his words out of context and fired back on both Twitter and his radio show Tuesday, highlighting that the clip was edited.
Thanks @realDonaldTrump for the trip down memory lane. I was saying there were a handful of people. Clip is edited. — Curtis Sliwa (@CurtisSliwa) December 1, 2015
No apology from me. This video is edited. I’ve been very consistent in what I’ve been saying
— Curtis Sliwa (@CurtisSliwa) December 1, 2015
Talking about this now on @77WABCradio Listen live here — Curtis Sliwa (@CurtisSliwa) December 1, 2015
@realDonaldTrump As you can see here I’ve been consistent all along in saying it was a small group in Paterson
— Curtis Sliwa (@CurtisSliwa) December 1, 2015
Of course, this won’t happen to Trump’s fervent followers, who already believe Trump is telling the truth. Besides, Trump’s message is clear behind this whole thing — all Muslims hate America. Period.