Old Angry White Guy Bill O’Reilly Directly Compares #BlackLivesMatter To Nazi Party

Over the past couple of months, Fox News host and your racist uncle’s idol Bill O’Reilly has had a hard on for Black Lives Matter activist movement, specifically after Fox got a hold of a short video showing a few protesters chanting “fry them like bacon” during a march in Minnesota this summer. The former Inside Edition host has used that one isolated moment as complete and utter proof that the entire protest group wants nothing more than to see cops killed all over the country. On seemingly a nightly basis, he has ranted about BLM, labeling them a terrorist organization and worse.
During Thursday night’s broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, your humble correspondent devoted another segment to condemning the movement. In this instance, Bill-O took umbrage with the proposed town hall forum that BLM leaders will host, where Democratic Presidential candidates will answer questions from the crowd directly related to police violence and racial disparity. Speaking with guests David Goodfriend and Keith Boykin, Papa Bear directly compared the black activist movement to the Nazi Party.
See, in O’Reilly’s mind, the BLM crowd is an extremist group, what with its peaceful protests and discussion about social justice. Therefore, equating them with white supremacists and Hitler is totally apt. While he only got mild pushback from Goodfriend, a former assistant to Hillary Clinton, Boykin called O’Reilly out for the disgusting comparison. This also led to an exchange with the Fox News pundit where O’Reilly eventually cut off Boykin’s mic, mainly because Boykin had the temerity to challenge the host on his claims that BLM advocates for violence against police.
The author and former Bill Clinton aide posted the moment O’Reilly cut him off to his Twitter timeline.
That time Bill O’Reilly cut off my mic for challenging his argument that #BlackLivesMatter wants to kill cops. pic.twitter.com/7bkb3guArW
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) October 23, 2015
This is classic Bill O’Reilly. Always the bully, especially when confronted with a reality that pokes holes in the fantasy he’s carefully woven for his audience.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters: