Donald Trump Calls Into ‘Morning Joe’ To Whine About Hugh Hewitt’s “Gotcha Questions”

This was all so utterly predictable. After bombing an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, GOP Presidential frontrunner and short-fingered vulgarian Donald Trump called into Morning Joe Friday morning to speak to his fawning fans, Mika and Joe. During the long-winded and seemingly endless call, Trump complained about Hewitt, calling him a “third-rate radio announcer” and claiming the notable right-wing pundit hit him with “gotcha questions” in order to make him look bad. In other words, more of the same old same old from the Trumpster.
The Donald’s big issue with Hewitt is that he had the audacity to ask Trump foreign policy questions. During the interview, Hewitt brought up some of the names, organizations and major players currently in the Middle East. Trump tried to Trump his way through the interview by just spouting his normal third-grade generalities, but Hewitt wouldn’t allow it. Specifically when it was apparent Trump didn’t know the difference between the Kurds and the Quds.
The real estate mogul eventually got agitated — surprise — and claimed that he didn’t need to know who the leaders were in the Middle East because they would all be different by the time he took office. Therefore, it is pointless to be familiar with what is currently happening there or the history of the region. It is all just about being a very great and very smart leader and making sure you surround yourself with very great and magnificent people.
Sticking to his playbook, Trump used one of his go-to platforms to whine like a spoiled little asshole and personally insult Hewitt about treating him unfairly. Since announcing his candidacy, Trump has seemingly called in or appeared on Morning Joe every single fucking day. The hosts treat him with kid gloves and allow him to use the program as free advertising for his campaign. While other candidates are struggling to get their message out, Trump is essentially given a half-hour a day on a morning cable news show to say whatever is on his mind, with absolutely no pushback or real questions being asked of him. It is beyond disgusting, and MSNBC and Morning Joe should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for allowing this to regularly occur.
On this day, we not only got Trump pillorying yet another member of the press who had the audacity to ask him a real question, but he was also given a forum to push his purposely inflammatory invective completely uninterrupted. He once again said that people have to speak English in this country and railed against Jeb Bush for answering a question in Spanish. He claimed that the Iran nuclear deal is the worst thing ever but that he’d make the deal good if he were President. And it just went on and on and on.
If you want to bash your head against the desk, feel free to watch the entirety of the ‘interview,’ courtesy of MSNBC: