Trevor Noah: Do Unarmed Black People Have To Be Shot In Trump Tower For The Media To Care?
Daily Show host Trevor Noah criticized the media for failing to report the shooting of an unarmed black man and instead covering Donald Trump’s recent gaffes. Chicago police shot and killed an African-American who had stolen a car. The entire incident was recorded on a police body camera except the moment of the shooting.
Noah complained that the ‘Trumpnado’ had blown away news coverage of recent important news, like the thawing of relations between Russia and Turkey. “Next time Putin and Erdogan are meeting, have them meet Trump Tower. Glaciers are melting, global warming? Have them meet at Trump Tower.” Noah said. “Unarmed black people getting shot by the police? Have it in Trump Tower, because that way, we know the cameras will catch everything.”
Investigators claimed the body camera was turned off when an airbag deployed and hit the off button without damaging the camera itself. The show aired a segment where correspondent Ronny Chang was repeatedly hit by airbags while wearing a police-style body camera. The camera stayed on throughout the piece.
You can watch the segment below.