Donald Trump Can’t Let It Go: President-Elect Attacks Hamilton And SNL Again

Donald Trump seems incapable of letting things go. After tweeting about Mike Pence’s visit to the hit Broadway show Hamilton yesterday, Trump decided he hadn’t said enough about it. Hamilton‘s cast delivered a brief statement to the vice-president elect about their worries.
“The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior,” Trump said on Twitter. Trump has already used Twitter to demand an apology from the cast, which is extremely unlikely.
Donald Trump has clearly not given up his favorite social media site, despite his promise that he would rein in his use of it. Trump’s us of Twitter to criticize his opponents is becoming more and more embarrassing for the incoming administration. It seems like Trump can’t control himself.
Hamilton’s cast is racially diverse and the current male lead is an openly gay, HIV positive man. The show’s creator, Lin Manuel Miranda, has been a champion of minority rights and criticized policies similar to those supported by Mike Pence. Pence has previously supported ‘gay conversion therapy’ and the right of business not to sell to LGBT customers.
Trump also tweeted about last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live. Trump said the show was not funny and wondered why there wasn’t ‘equal time for us’. Since SNL is not a news show but a comedy, there is no obligation for it to give equal time to Trump and his ideas or provide any positive coverage of him.