Is Stopping Abortions More Important Than Nuclear War?

Frank Pavone is a Catholic priest. He’s also the head of a charity, Priests for Life. As a charity, Priests of Life only rates one star (out of four) from Charity Navigator. But, that’s not what this rant is about. As head of Priests for Life, Franky’s had more than one run-in with the church over his handling of the group’s finances. But, once again, that’s not what this rant is about.
It seems Franky is a bit of a one-issue filbert. The issue is abortion and NO, he’s not in favor of it.
In the past, he’s compared the President of Planned Parenthood speaking at Georgetown University to inviting ISIS, drug dealers or the mob, to speak.
He’s also compared abortion to terrorism.
I always go back to the position I have, is that if a candidate came up and said, ‘I support terrorism,’ you know, the conversation stops there. You don’t ask them, you don’t start comparing other positions, other issues. You support terrorism, you’re out. And abortion is no better than terrorism, in fact it’s worse.
He’s compared legal abortion to atomic blasts.
Right now, we have a raging holocaust going on, and it’s not ‘maybe’ and it’s not ‘potential’ and it’s not ‘maybe we’re going to kill these families’ or ‘maybe we’re going to drop an atomic bomb.’ It’s like several atomic bombs have already gone off on our own soil when it comes to just the sheer numbers.
And then last week, he outdid himself when he appeared on the Catholic radio network, “Relevant Radio.” The host, Drew Mariani, mistakenly claimed that Tim Kaine predicted that the Church will change its stance on abortion. Franky had a ready response.
It was such a disservice to the Church. I mean, he represents a brand of thinking, we find it in the Church, we even find it among some clergy, you know, talk about social justice but ignore the core of social justice, which is the right to life. You cannot be right on these other issues, whether it’s poverty, immigration, war and peace, homelessness, health care—let me make a very clear statement here: Not only is abortion a more important and weighty issue than all these other issues and not only is it more important that someone be right on abortion than they be right on these other issues, but I will say it this way, you cannot be right on these other issues if you are wrong on abortion.
Oh, and btw, Franky’s a Trump Chump. Although, interestingly enough, he compares him to an out-of-control train.
Here’s the analogy I’ve been using for folks to consider: It’s like being on a runaway train. Let’s presume, it’s an odd situation, but let’s presume that you’re at the controls of a runaway train. And the train cannot be stopped and you know that at the end of the track it’s going to do damage, so you can’t stop the train. But supposed the only thing you could do is to switch the track that the train is on so that at the end of Track A it’s going to kill 10 people and at the end of Track B it’s going to kill 100 people. Now, you don’t want to kill anybody. Nobody wants to kill anybody. But you can’t stop the train.
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to say, ‘Oh, I’m not going to do anything’? Or are you going to do your best to switch it to the track where it’s going to do less damage. Now, some people say, ‘I don’t want to kill 10 people and I don’t want to kill 100 people, so I’m not going to do anything.’ Yeah, but if the train is on the track, then, to do the more damage, don’t you share responsibility for not doing something to try to minimize the damage?
Stay tuned!
Featured Image: Federal Emergency Management Agency
And who are these “ten people”? Something tells me they’re all vaginiferous subhumans.