Since No One Will Hire Curt Schilling To Talk About Baseball, He May Just Run For Senate

A little more than a week after posting on Facebook that he’s gonna run for President in 2024 — preferably after Donald Trump serves two successful terms — former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling said he was seriously considering running for the Senate in 2018. He’d do it in Massachusetts so he can take out the extremely popular Elizabeth Warren, who Schilling thinks is the second coming of the Devil. (The Devil being Hillary Clinton, natch.)
In an interview with Boston-area radio show The Kuhner Report on Monday, highlighted by CNN, Schilling said he was thinking about running so he could be credited with getting Warren out of office.
“I thought about it, and one of the things I would like to do is be one of the people responsible for getting Elizabeth Warren out of politics. I think she’s a nightmare. The left is holding her up as the second coming of Hillary Clinton, but Lord knows we don’t need the first one.”
Schilling also spoke highly of Trump during the conversation and noted that he’s still a loyal supporter, although he did say he wished the real estate mogul wouldn’t keep saying outlandish things that could derail his campaign.
Ultimately, the ex-ESPN analyst stated that the decision on running for Senate would come after he discussed everything with his wife and political consultants. He also highlighted that he doesn’t like to sit around and talk about stuff “without actually trying to help,” indicating that he’s likely going to throw his hat in the ring.
Of course, another reason he’ll jump into the arena is because nobody wants him to pay him to talk about baseball. He’s an ex-ESPN analyst due to the fact that the Worldwide Leader shitcanned him after he shared an anti-trans meme on social media. (The network had warned him in the past over his Twitter and Facebook posts, suspending him last fall over a bigoted tweet towards Muslims.)
Since then, Schilling has spent his days sharing Breitbart articles, tweeting about libtards and Demokkkrats, calling into talk shows hosted by right-wingers and MRA bros and posting racist memes to his Facebook page. Sounds like Senate material to me!
Image via USA Today