Did Kelly Osbourne Just Say All Latinos In This Country Clean Toilets For A Living? Yup.

Ahh, white privilege, it can be a bitch. Sometimes when rich white people, in an attempt to come across as progressive and compassionate, try to convey a socially relevant point, well, blind ignorance comes flowing out of their mouths like so much sewage. That is what happened to The View’s Kelly Osbourne on Tuesday when she was trying to talk about America’s favorite troll, GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Osbourne, making an effort to speak out against Trump’s offensive statements towards Mexican immigrants, really stepped in it when she said the following:
“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?”
Nice, Kelly. Way to reinforce a stereotype.
Well, she immediately attempted to explain herself, especially to fellow co-host Rosie Perez. In Osbourne’s mind, she didn’t really realize what she said was wrong. It appears she honestly believes that the only jobs Latinos and Hispanics have in this country are menial labor ones, such as janitorial or fruit-picking. She even exclaimed, “You know that’s not what I meant” when pressed on what she had just uttered. Maybe she didn’t, but it was the first thing on her mind, and she said it from a position she has attained through being born into a celebrity family.
Below is video of the encounter, courtesy of TMZ:
Well, as one would expect, social media blew up as soon as she said those words.
Kelly Osbourne is about to be dragged by all of Twitter today
— dale (@plasticdale) August 4, 2015
I actually like kelly osbourne but girl …. NOOOOOOONO NO NO NO NO
According to Kelly Osbourne my future as a Latina is scrubbing toilets. So then why am I wasting time and money on a degree in Architecture?
— Em (@emileesnevets) August 4, 2015
Kelly Osbourne has watched entirely too much family guy pic.twitter.com/mrpK7aNhmE
— Petty LaBelle (@HoSitDown) August 4, 2015
Kelly Osbourne’s remarks today are a prime example of why POC don’t want White people speaking for them.. “Who’d clean you’re toilets?” Smh
— Queen Harrison (@goQueengo) August 4, 2015
Kelly Osbourne really thought that she was helping when making those comments but all she’s doing is perpetuating harmful racist stereotypes
— ¥ajaira (@unsadness) August 4, 2015
Kelly Osbourne and Donald Trump are proving the point that when two people are arguing, it’s possible for both of them to be wrong.
— JRehling (@JRehling) August 4, 2015
All I have to say is uggghhhh. Not sure if there are enough apologies in the world for this one, Kelly.