Nearly 90 Percent of Congressional Republicans Refuse to Acknowledge Biden as President-Elect

A Washington Post survey released Saturday shows that just 26 Republicans in Congress publicly admit that Joe Biden is president-elect, while two Republicans actually indicate that President Trump won a second term even though he lost his reelection bid.
Additionally, 221 Republicans in both the House and Senate refused to give an answer when asked who won the election.
The Post began asking Republicans a series of three questions after Trump posted a 46-minute video Wednesday night lying about the outcome and making several false claims about the election being stolen from him by “corrupt forces.”
The Post also asked Republicans if they supported Trump’s “continuing efforts to claim victory.” Eight Republicans agreed, while 232 refused to answer. The paper also asked if they would accept Biden “as the legitimately elected president” if he wins a majority of votes in the Electoral College. Only 30 said they would, while 2 said “no,” and 217 refused to answer.
Of the 14 House Republicans who acknowledged Biden as president-elect, more than half are soon-to-be retirees or represent districts easily carried by the Democratic candidate.