Jason Miller Repeats Bogus Assertion that Doctors Profit from Coronavirus

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos repeatedly pressed Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller on Sunday morning over President Donald Trump’s baseless claims that doctors “get more money” from coronavirus deaths, prompting Miller to back the president’s claims by citing “independent things pointing to that.”
Interviewing Miller on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’s This Week, Stephanopoulos recapped the president’s inflammatory comments—which also featured Trump baselessly asserting doctors get “like $2,000 more” for COVID diagnoses—before confronting the Trump adviser with the AMA’s response.
“Why does the president repeatedly attack doctors on the front lines saying they are inflating COVID numbers?” Stephanopoulos wondered aloud.
“I don’t think he was attacking anybody at all,” Miller insisted. “I think he was talking about how most Americans want to safely and securely re-open the country. Get back to work, get back to life as normal.”
.@GStephanopoulos repeatedly presses Jason Miller on Trump’s false claims on doctors and COVID-19: Why does he “repeatedly attack doctors working on the frontlines?”
Miller: “I don’t think he was attacking anybody at all.”
G.S.: “We all just saw it.” https://t.co/PPoWucYWDV pic.twitter.com/i3VkGcrM4R
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) November 1, 2020
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