Nicole Wallace: Stone Commutation Like a Third World Country’s ‘Obliteration of the Rule of Law’

As he hinted at repeatedly in the past, President Trump on Friday commuted the 40-month prison sentence of Roger Stone, the Trump associate convicted last year of lying to Congress and witness obstruction during the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
The move drew swift condemnation from commentators and legal experts, with Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) summing up the thoughts of many in a tweet Saturday morning.
“Unprecedented, historic corruption: an American president commutes the sentence of person convicted by jury of lying to shield that very president,” the senator wrote.
On MSNBC shortly after the news broke, Nicole Wallace told host Rachel Maddow that “we are watching something that makes headlines in this country when it happens…in third world countries: the obliteration of the rule of law.”
Wallace then criticized Republicans in general, likening this situation to an emergency where no one will come to the rescue.
“You pull the fire alarm, who’s coming? There’s nobody coming,” Wallace said. “The Republican governors who have thrown up in their states to surging coronavirus cases, the zombies in the senate who acquitted Donald Trump after refusing to hear from John Bolton?”
Attorney General Bill Barr, Wallace added, “has been intellectually overestimated since day one,” and is complicit in helping Trump minimize as much as possible the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.
“There is no discernible difference between William Barr and a bouncer,” Wallace commented. “He is not a mastermind of anything.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.