Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General Fired by Trump, Endorses Joe Biden

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates has endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden for president. Yates served as acting attorney general for 10 days in 2017 but she was fired by President Donald Trump for instructing the Justice Department not to make arguments in support of Trump’s Muslim travel ban.
“I am supporting Joe Biden for President because I trust him,” Yates said in a statement from the campaign.
“I trust him to always put the country’s interests before his own; to tell us the truth; to appeal to our best, not our worst, instincts; to unite rather than divide us; and to always treat the presidency as a privilege rather than an entitlement.”
“I am not a political person. But there is too much at stake now for any of us to sit on the sidelines. This is indeed a battle for the soul of America — who we are, or at least who we have always aspired to be. While our country can survive four years of our current president, at the end of eight years, I fear that we will not recognize the nation that we have become. But the future of our country is up to us. We have a choice. And my choice is Joe Biden.”
“He will put an end to the chaos and recklessness that is inflicted on us every day, and bring steady, thoughtful leadership to our nation,” Yates is quoted as saying. “Our country needs Joe Biden. And I am proud to support him.”
Yates has recently been spoken about as a potential member of a Biden cabinet. Though it’s little more than media speculation at the moment, many see Yates as a strong candidate for attorney general. Her firing by Trump made her a cause célèbre among many Democrats.