Bernie Campaign Blasts Chuck Todd Over Segment Likening Sanders Supporters to ‘Brown Shirts’

Bernie Campaign Blasts Chuck Todd Over Segment Likening Sanders Supporters to ‘Brown Shirts’

Staffers from independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign were apoplectic on Monday night after MSNBC anchor Chuck Todd cited a conservative writer to liken Sanders’ supporters to “brown shirts.”

“I wanna bring up something Jonathan Last put in the Bulwark today,” Todd noted, turning to Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus. “It is about how — Ruth, we have all been on the receiving end of the Bernie online brigade — and here’s what he says.”

“He says ‘no other candidate has anything like this digital brownshirt brigade. I mean, except for Donald Trump. The question no one is asking is this, what if you can’t win the presidency without an online mob? What if we live in a world where having a bullying agro social online army running around popping anyone who sticks their head up is either an important ingredient for, or a critical marker of, success?'”

Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.

Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.

Contemptor Staff

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