Trump: I Stood Up for Pardoned War Criminals Against the ‘Deep State’

President Donald Trump essentially called military leadership the “Deep State” during his campaign rally in Florida on Tuesday night while boasting about absolving accused and convicted war criminals.
“Just this week, I stuck up for three great warriors against the Deep State,” the president exclaimed in Sunrise, Florida. “You know what I’m talking about. I had so many people say, ‘Sir, I don’t think you should do that.’”
Trump appeared to be referencing the backlash he faced from military leaders over the pardons he issued to Clint Lorance and Matthew Golsteyn and his reversal of the demotion of Eddie Gallagher, actions that eventually resulted in the termination of Navy Secretary Richard Spencer.
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via CSPAN.