Joe diGenova Tells Lou Dobbs: George Soros ‘Controls a Very Large Part’ of the State Department

Following the first public impeachment hearing on Wednesday, a Trump-supporting husband-wife lawyer team that is now fully entangled in the Ukraine scandal appeared on Fox Business host Lou Dobbs’ show and pushed an outlandish conspiracy theory involving Jewish financier George Soros, the State Department, the FBI and Ukraine.
“Well, there’s no doubt that George Soros controls a very large part of the career foreign service of the United States State Department,” the far-right lawyer exclaimed. “He also controls the activities of FBI agents overseas who work for [non-governmental organizations]. That was very evident in Ukraine. And Kent was part of that. He was a very big protector of Soros.”
The former U.S. attorney, who is a frequent guest on Fox opinion shows, went on claim that Soros “had a daily opportunity to tell the State Department” what to do in Ukraine and “ran it.
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via Fox Business.