Joy Behar: Democrats Shouldn’t Tell Voters ‘Ahead of Time’ Before Taking Their Guns Away

Liberal View co-host Joy Behar, in a segment that will almost assuredly draw howls from conservative media and right-wing politicians, declared on Monday that Democrats need to stop telling American voters “ahead of time” that they’ll take away their guns and just wait until they’re elected to do it.
“They should not tell everything they’re going to do,” Behar exclaimed. “Like, if you are going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected and then take the guns away. Don’t tell them ahead of time!”
While many in the audience laughed and clapped, McCain sounded off.
“By the way, that’s what people like me think they’re gonna do,” she responded. “That’s what people like me think is gonna happen, so I appreciate his honesty.”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via ABC.