President Trump: ‘I am the Chosen One’

Hours after tweeting out a quote from a far-right conspiracy theorist in which he was described as the “King of Israel” and the “second coming of God,” President Trump went further with his messianic complex by calling himself the “chosen one” when it came to the trade war with China.
Speaking to reporters on the White House lawn on Wednesday, the president first doubled down on his claim that American Jews were displaying “great disloyalty” and a “lack of knowledge” by voting for Democrats.
“In my opinion, you vote for Democrats, you’re being very disloyal to Jewish people and you are being very disloyal to Israel,” Trump bellowed. “And only weak people would say anything other than that.”
Asked if he was spreading an anti-Semitic ‘dual loyalty’ trope, the president said he hadn’t “heard anybody say that” before insisting again that Hews who vote Democratic “are very disloyal to Israel and the Jewish people.”
Moving onto his escalating trade war with China, which is prompting more and more concerns over an upcoming recession, the president patted himself on the back for taking on China.
“My life would be much easier if I let China continue to rebuff the United States,” Trump shouted. “It would be much easier, but I can’t do that. We are winning against China.”
Then Trump presented himself as a god.
“Somebody had to do it,” he exclaimed. “I am the chosen one. Somebody had to do it. So I’m taking on China. I’m taking on China on trade. We are winning.”
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.