Trump Baselessly Claims to Have Been Involved in Ground Zero Rescue Efforts After 9/11 Attacks

Donald Trump once again falsely claimed to have been a part of rescue efforts at Ground Zero while signing legislation extending the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund on Monday morning.
Trump told the assembled first responders who had come to the White House to witness the bill signing that
“Many of those affected were firefighters, police officers, and other first-responders. I was down there also but I’m not considering myself a first I was down there. I spent a lot of time down there with you.”
Trump has made such assertions before, such as this instance during the 2016 presidential campaign:
Trump claims he helped clear rubble and search for survivors on 9/11:
— Angelo Carusone (@GoAngelo) April 19, 2016
There is no evidence to back up Trump’s claim. At best, Snopes was only able to rate as “unproven” his assertion that he had paid private rescue workers to help clear rubble days after the attack, and that he went to Ground Zero to help them.
Trump’s biggest claim to fame after the 9/11 attacks was really going on TV to brag that he now owned the tallest building in Lower Manhattan after both World Trade Towers had fallen down.
Watch the video above, via Fox Business.