QAnon-Supporting GOP Candidate Aiming for Ilhan Omar’s Seat Faces Felony Shoplifting Charges

The Deep State strikes again.
Danielle Stella, a pro-Trump Republican who has announced she will run for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s seat next year, is facing a felony charge for shoplifting 279 items from a Target in Edina, Minnesota, earlier this year.
Stella was busted in January after filling a shopping cart and then trying to wheel the cart out of the store after only scanning and paying for a few of the items. She claimed later that she could not remember anything after arriving at the store and blamed post-traumatic stress disorder.
Right Wing Watch reported earlier this week that the 31-year-old special education teacher is a diehard follower of QAnon, the loony conspiracy theory that claims Donald Trump is secretly running an investigation that will result in the mass arrest of Democrats who have been participating in a worldwide pedophilia ring.
Stella has reportedly engaged with QAnon content online and was photographed wearing a giant Q necklace.
But one of Stella’s former campaign staffers told Will Sommer of The Daily Beast that Stella only pretends to believe in QAnon to get attention.
She faces up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine if she is found guilty of the theft charges in Minnesota.
As for the election, being a conspiracy theorist and accused felon is not really a barrier to joining the GOP these days. The bigger challenge to her candidacy is probably running as a Republican in a D+26 district.