Trump Supporter’s Joy After She Stabs Trump Baby Balloon Quickly Deflates When She Is Arrested

“I’m going in.”
So begins this video of Amy Dalla Mura, a British supporter of Donald Trump who calls herself “Based Amy,” using a pair of scissors to pop the infamous balloon of Trump as a diaper-clad baby being flown by protesters of his visit to Great Britain.
Mura manages to get close enough to stab the balloon, which immediately begins deflating. Then she starts quoting Austin Powers in her triumph, hollering “Yeah, baby” as she gloats.
Her victory is short-lived as police officers come up to arrest her, which sets her off.
“Ow!” the woman squeals as the officers attempt to handcuff her, a difficult task considering she refuses to put her phone away.
“Help, America!” she cries at one point as the officers demand she relax her arm so they can pull it around behind her back to cuff her. “These people are assaulting me!”
Eventually there are shouts as she drops her phone and starts yelling at the police. An officer picks up the phone and stops the recording.
No doubt Mura will score an interview with Fox News the minute she is released from jail.
Watch the video above, via the Sun.