Laura Ingraham Calls Into Fox ‘Hard News’ Show, Blasts Colleague Chris Wallace

Calling into Fox News’ pre-game “straight news” coverage of Wednesday’s Senate testimony of Attorney General William Barr. Fox News host Laura Ingraham slammed Fox News anchor Chris Wallace for claiming the previously undisclosed Mueller letter to Barr was not “much ado about nothing.”
“Now, I know Chris Wallace at the top of your hour was indicating that I guess that he kind of agrees with these other cable networks that this was an attempt by the DOJ to spin what the conversation was between Barr and Mueller. So I don’t know if Chris Wallace has information that I don’t have, but that he is saying that Barr is perpetuating a lie about this conversation between him and Mueller?”
Read the rest of the piece at The Daily Beast.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.