Rick Scott Tells Fox Audience Medicare for All Means They Will Lose Health Insurance

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) knows how to scare the Fox & Friends audience of angry, mostly older white people.
During a short interview Thursday morning, the former governor and current first-term senator of Florida told his hosts that under Medicare for All, everyone will lose their health insurance and “not just lose your doctor like we did under Barack Obama.”
The goal of Medicare for All is to get more people health coverage. While the most generous version of the plan, that pushed by Bernie Sanders, would indeed eliminate private insurance, there are multiple plans being pushed by congressional Democrats that envision allowing private insurance as just one option for people who can afford it to choose from.
Democrats are a long way from coalescing around one of these plans. Even if the party controls the White House and both branches of Congress after 2020, there is no reason to believe it will push through the Sanders plan over any other. And if it does, the idea behind Medicare for All is that it will have more generous benefits than any current private insurance plan.
Fox’s audience skews older, which means many of them already qualify for Medicare. But plenty have private plans to supplement that coverage, since Medicare does not cover all their needs. These are the voters Rick Scott is trying to frighten.
Watch the segment at the top of the post, via Fox News.