Just 34% Of Americans Approve Of Donald Trump

President Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at just 34%, according to a new poll from Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. This is a fall from 42% approval a month ago, a dramatic fall that can be attributed to the partial government shutdown.
Trump remains widely popular among Republicans, however, with 80% approving of him. These numbers may indicate that the number of people identifying as Republican is on the decline. The gap between general approval and approval among Republicans is stark.
A separate Morning Consult/Politico poll shows Trump’s approval at 40% but, as Morning Consult reports, his disapproval has hit a record high of 57% in their polling. This poll finds that 81% of Republicans approve of the President.
Both polls are bad news for the Trump administration, despite the differences in their findings. They clearly show a consistent decline in Trump’s approval rating and that there is a significant gap between Republicans’ views and the views of the country as a whole.
The AP-NORC poll found that 60% of Americans think Trump shares a large part of the blame for the government shutdown, which has become the longest in history. The standoff about the border wall has led to a shutdown that has lasted into its 34th day. The Morning Consult poll found that 49% of respondents blamed Trump for the shutdown.
Those blaming the Democrats for the shutdown ranges between 31% and 35%, with fewer people blaming the Democrats than approve of the President. This suggests there are Trump supporters who blame him for the shutdown. Both polls found that 49% of Americans oppose a border wall.