Stephen Miller Threw $80 Of Sushi Into The Trash Because Bartender Flipped Him The Bird

The chief architect of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their parents knows just how to fight back against all the libs who are trashing him in public.
How? By throwing away a meal he already purchased.
According to a Washington Post report on the tough reception that Team MAGA has received in Washington since Donald Trump’s election, White House senior advisor and white nationalist ally Stephen Miller was so outraged when a bartender flipped him the double-bird that he tossed out $80 worth of sushi in the trash.
From the Post’s article:
One night, after Miller ordered $80 of takeout sushi from a restaurant near his apartment, a bartender followed him into the street and shouted, “Stephen!” When Miller turned around, the bartender raised both middle fingers and cursed at him, according to an account Miller has shared with White House colleagues.
Outraged, Miller threw the sushi away, he later told his colleagues.
That’ll show them, Stephen!
The Post article also highlighted instances of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, and Vice President Mike Pence getting some rude public encounters from folks who don’t quite appreciate their attempts to Make America Great Again. In typical Conway fashion, she portrayed herself as smacking down her detractors with poise and wit while being the only source of these stories.