‘No Evidence Of Any Wrongdoing’: Dems And Republicans Say Susan Rice Did Nothing Inappropriate

According to NBC News, members of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have reviewed intelligence information flagged by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and have concluded the following — former National Security Advisor Susan Rice did absolutely nothing wrong.
As you may recall, Nunes set the political world on fire last month when he held an impromptu press conference to claim that he had come across disturbing intel that showed members of Donald Trump’s presidential transition team had communications of theirs “incidentally collected” by intelligence agencies. Nunes would then run to the White House to give Trump the news prior to briefing his own colleagues.
POTUS, of course, looked at this new info as validating his tweetstorm in which he accused Barack Obama of wiretapping him at Trump Tower before the election. It would later be revealed that Nunes obtained this surveillance information from the White House itself. Meanwhile, reports from Bloomberg and Fox News earlier this month fingered Rice as the one who asked for the unmasking of Trump associates. Rice would go on an tell MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that she did nothing wrong in reviewing intel in the last days of the Obama administration.
Well, it would appear that both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and House are backing up Rice’s assertions. Per the NBC News report, nothing abnormal was found in the surveillance reports that Nunes had made such a big deal about weeks earlier.
“Members of the House and Senate intelligence committees from both parties have traveled to NSA headquarters to review the relevant intelligence reports.
“I saw no evidence of any wrongdoing,” said one U.S. official who reviewed the documents, who would not agree to be identified further. “It was all completely normal.”
His assessment was shared by a senior Republican aide who had been briefed on the matter but declined to speak on the record.”
NBC’s story backs up previous finding reported by CNN.
Following the Rice story first breaking, Trump told the New York Times that he thought she had committed a crime and that this was a massive story. A day later, Nunes would recuse himself from the investigation into Russian election interference due to a complaint sent to the House Ethics Office over his publicly sharing classified information.