Trump Claims David Cameron Invited Him To London, Cameron Says Trump’s Full Of Crap

You know, when we call Donald Trump a serial liar, it isn’t hyperbole. The dude seriously cannot go a few minutes without spewing a provable falsehood.
On Friday, the presumptive GOP nominee and dominant to Chris Christie’s submissive called into Morning Joe to brag about his poll numbers, talk shit about Hillary, contemplate naming Bernie Sanders as his Veep and generally tell a lie a minute. While one untruth was eventually corrected later in the program and after the interview — Trump’s insistence that he was against action in Libya — the ex-Apprentice host got away with this double-edged fib.
Trump denies to Morning Joe that he ever went after David Cameron. Now says the relationship will be fine.
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) May 20, 2016
Well, first off, yeah, you did attack Great Britain and David Cameron, Donald. Earlier this week, you said that the United States apparently won’t have a very good relationship with the country after Cameron criticized your “stupid” ban on Muslims. You also challenged the London mayor to an IQ test. Considering that you’ve stated that you have the best memory ever, kinda odd that you don’t remember making those statements just a few short days ago.
But, alas, we see Donald also claims that Cameron has extended an invitation to Trump to visit him at 10 Downing Street. And, because Donald Trump lies about the stupidest shit, Cameron’s office had to step in and point out that no such request has been sent at this time.
“Given the parties have yet to choose their nominees, there are no confirmed dates for this,” the spokesman said.
However, a Downing Street source said a formal invite would not be sent out to presidential candidates.
Trump’s comments followed a transatlantic exchange between the two men over Cameron’s criticism.
In December, Cameron called Trump “divisive, stupid and wrong” and suggested Trump would unite Britain against him if he visited the United Kingdom.
After Trump clinched his party’s nomination this month, Cameron acknowledged the achievement but said he stood by his earlier comments and would not apologize.
This is one of the things about Trump that rally does make him extremely dangerous as a president. He is willing to outright lie about things that are easily verifiable. The fact is, he had to know that someone from the UK would respond to this and point out that he hadn’t been invited. Just like how he had already admitted in 1991 that he posed as PR guy John Miller, but when audio surfaced of him actin as Miller on a phone call, he denied it was ever him.
It is one of the central tenets of Trumpism — only what Trump says is the truth. It doesn’t matter if it contradicts what he said earlier, or if a cold hard fact gets in the way, or if he cannot provide one shred of evidence to back up the claim. Trust in The Donald. It is pure, unadulterated fascism. It just is.
P.S. Also, I find it interesting that Trump recently lashed out at Morning Joe, calling it a “rapidly fading” show that he never watches. Yet, here he is, doing a lengthy interview, while Joe and Mika casually chat it up with him. Guess all is forgiven…as long as they play ball.
Actually, they used to call it megalomania — literally, the compulsion to be yuuuge, and to be acclaimed bigly–, a far more sinister category than mere narcissism. Every tyrant has had it, and every tyrant’s devoted follower has had it by proxy.