Karl Rove Indicates GOP May Select A “Fresh Face” Over Trump Or Cruz To Be Nominee

While GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump continues to see his poll numbers plummet in general election surveys, Republican ‘leaders’ are trying to come up with scenarios to justifiably pry the nomination from his stubby fingers. On Friday, former George W. Bush adviser and dude who still thinks Mitt Romney won in 2012 Karl Rove stated that the GOP should look to a “fresh face” to run against the Democratic nominee.
Speaking to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Turd Blossom stated that due to the level of anger Trump generates within both the Republican Party and Democrats, the party should use the convention to look outside the current candidates.
“Donald Trump excites a lot of enthusiasm. But he also excites a lot of anger within the Republican Party and outside of the Republican Party. And a fresh face might be the thing that could give us a chance to turn this election and win in November against Hillary.”
He didn’t seem too enthused about the prospect of a Ted Cruz or John Kasich run, seeming to hint that perhaps the GOP should toss in a completely new name — maybe the Mittster? — to carry the torch. Hewitt then said is it possible that Trump could win the election with his poll numbers showing high unfavorability among all voters. Rove had the following to say:
“Look, I don’t think it’s possible. You know, he claims he can be more presidential when he needs to be. If he wants to change those numbers, he ought to start acting in a presidential manner, whatever he thinks that is, because right now, his numbers are abysmal. I mean, 30% [favorable], nobody has ever been nominated for president with numbers this bad. And nobody has ever won the presidency with numbers near this bad by this time in the election. Now maybe the numbers are pliable for him. I doubt it. But he’d better show us some evidence by July 18th that he can change these numbers. He MAY be popular within the Republican Party, though he has only gotten an average of 37% of the votes. But, among general election voters, he’s more than a two-to-one negative.”
Sounds to me like machinations are in place to push Romney or Paul Ryan onto Republican voters in Cleveland. Good luck with that, Karl.