CNN Host Goes To Town On Trump Flunky For Endorsing Trump’s Heidi Cruz Tweets

While CNN as a network has apparently gone all-in with the Trump White House run as they see it is good for business, there appear to be some employees at the network that still have some of their soul left. One of them decided to use her platform on Thursday to hit back at Trump’s rampant sexism and misogyny, which has defined much of his campaign, all to little or no pushback from the mainstream press.
Speaking to Trump advisor Stephen Miller, a former aide to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who has jumped on the Trump Train, anchor Kate Bolduan wanted to know how Miller or anyone else on the Trump team can justify their boss’s attacks on Ted Cruz’s wife. In response to an anti-Trump Super PAC releasing a commercial essentially slut-shaming Trump’s wife, The Donald responded by threatening Cruz that he would “spill the beans” on his wife Heidi. This was despite the fact that Cruz is not associated with the PAC and had nothing to do with the ad.
Trump took it to the next level Wednesday night by retweeting a supporter who created a meme criticizing Mrs. Cruz’s appearance.
“@Don_Vito_08: “A picture is worth a thousand words” @realDonaldTrump #LyingTed #NeverCruz @MELANIATRUMP“
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2016
During the interview on Thursday, Bolduan asked Miller why Trump was continuing to pour gasoline on this fire when he could have ended it on Wednesday and if he could explain the retweet. Miller’s giggling response, “I think the retweet speaks for itself.” He added that it was all Ted Cruz’s fault for letting it get this far because Melania Trump was attacked in an ad.
At this point, Bolduan’s anger with this flunky was visible. She pointed out that Trump’s retweet had nothing to do with a Super PAC or ads or anything other than ridiculing Heidi Cruz. It also came after both sides had made their points and the fight should’ve been over. Instead, he posted something that was not only demeaning to Heidi Cruz, but also his own wife, as it presented her as nothing more than a pretty face.
Miller came back with probably the most spineless thing one can say during an interview — we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this. In his opinion, it is perfectly fine to publicly ridicule a woman on her looks, and that he totally endorses Trump doing that with an opponent’s wife. Too bad Ms. Bolduan doesn’t share that opinion, but this is America, so it’s all cool that she doesn’t. Agree to disagree, y’know.
After some more back and forth, with Miller trying to shut down the conversation by filibustering with some Trump-approved talking points, Bolduan finally had enough. At the end of the interview, with Miller trying to tell the CNN host what exactly women want these days, Bolduan said the following:
“Alright Steven, how about this? Tell your boss to stop perpetuating this conversation and you and I can talk about important things, like maybe how he would handle the threat of terrorism in the face of the Belgium attack. But he continues to just want to retweet this kind of feud with Ted Cruz.”
And with that, she gave him the kiss off, not even saying thank you for joining the broadcast. Sadly, we’ve seen far too little of this over these past months from the MSM, which is partly how we got to this point with Trump.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
did she ask Cruz to disavow the attack on trump wife? did she stick up for melanie trump on being slutshamed? This reporter is no hero. She is bias , and takes every chance to take a swipe at trump. Please even her viewers have commented that she and her co host are against trump? This women is no hero. She is just another pretty face that doesn’t know anything. How about asking Cruz about his affairs, especially with a CNN political commentator