Fox Contributor Suggests Obama Wants To Disarm Americans Because He’s In League With Terrorists

During an appearance on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom, psychiatrist and hater of all things Obummer Keith Ablow spouted off some crazy nonsense about gun control, radical Islam and maybe, possibly, just perhaps President Obama wants to take away Americans’ guns so as to let the terrorists win.
Speaking to anchor Martha McCallum, Ablow was asked to give his ‘expert’ opinion on the mindset of Syed Farook, the possibly radicalized shooter who, along with his wife, killed 14 people on Wednesday at a San Bernardino medical facility where he worked. Despite the fact that law enforcement and the FBI are still looking into potential motives and haven’t yet confirmed that this is indeed a coordinated terror attack, Ablow took the radical Islam ball and ran with it all the way to the endzone.
However, Ablow didn’t necessarily stop there. No, he also made sure to criticize President Obama for mentioning the need for greater gun control in the wake of the country’s 355th mass shooting this year. In Ablow’s mind, it isn’t just inappropriate for the President of the United States to suggest possible solutions to stem gun violence, but it could be that Obama is sympathetic to Islamic terrorists and wants to make things easier for them here.
Answering McCallum’s question about Farook’s apparent transformation to radical Islam over the past year or so, Ablow said the following:
“Well, I think [it] looks like a duck looks, acts like a duck. I think we’ve got to get ourselves out of denial. It’s a duck, right? The president wants to talk about gun control while America’s bleeding. The bottom line is we’ve got to think about that, too. Why would the president want America to disarm when we are under assault by radical Islam? Interesting. Why?”
I’m sure Ablow will say he was just “asking questions,” which is the standard Fox approach when you want to float out a crazy theory but not be accused of actually doing so. But, it is clear that the good doctor was insinuating that Obama is a secret Muslim sympathetic to jihadists, and you know the Fox viewers heard that dog whistle loud and clear.
And, just for good measure, Ablow made sure to inform the Fox News audience that if they see a guy with a Muslim-sounding name leave a party angry, “call the cops” because that is where we are at in this country now. Also, it is likely Farook got mad because they were having a Christmas celebration at the center and he felt offended.
So, just to round up the Fox News viewpoint here — ring up 911 anytime you see a Muslim get mad because Obama is going to take away your guns due to him being on the terrorists’ side. Oh, and there’s a War on Christmas. Got it? Good!
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Raw Story: