White Nationalist Donald Trump Tweets Out Racist Meme Showing Fake Black Murder Rates

Perhaps feeling that his fearmongering and hateful rhetoric has been concentrated too much on Muslims lately, GOP Presidential frontrunner and your racist uncle’s favorite person Donald Trump decided to focus some of his attention Sunday on African-Americans. Following up a Saturday rally in Alabama that saw a Black Lives Matter protester punched and kicked by Trump supporters while they chanted “All Lives Matter,” with the Republican candidate later saying he deserved to be “roughed up,” the celebrity billionaire took to his favorite method of communication to disseminate some good o’ fashioned racism.
“@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus pic.twitter.com/5GUwhhtvyN“
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2015
Yep. Obviously unconcerned with the fact that there is no ‘Crime Statistics Bureau’ out of San Francisco or the race-baiting image of a black man holding a gun sideways while wearing a bandanna over his face, Trump just casually retweeted this conservative meme to his millions of followers. Within an hour, the post had been shared and liked thousands of times. And, of course, the stats in the graphic are absolutely false.
While some of the numbers are sorta close to reality, the image completely fabricates the white homicide numbers. It states that 16% of whites are killed by other whites while 81% of them are murdered by black people. In actuality, according to the FBI, 82% of whites are killed by other whites while blacks account for 14% of the white homicides.
Will this hurt The Donald’s campaign? Fuck no. In all likelihood, this will just rally more GOP voters to his side. He is tapping into their hatred of the other, and they love him for it.