Yep, Morning Joe’s Exclusive Koch Brothers Interview Was Just As Bad As You Thought It Would Be

If you were hoping that you would get anything substantial from the first ever joint interview with David and Charles Koch that was aired Tuesday morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, then you obviously are not a regular viewer of the program (which is good for you). In the much-hyped interview that was parted out over the morning broadcast, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski could barely contain their unbridled love and admiration for the mega-billionaires. Of course, they really only got this rare audience with the shadowy political super-donors due to their fawning coverage of the two on their show, as well as taking a trip to hobnob with the pair.
Joe and his Stepford Wife went right to work in their sit-down with the Kochs, lobbing softball after softball in an attempt to humanize the two. For the most part, David let his brother Charles do the majority of the talking, likely knowing that he was better at showing them as not being money-hungry vampires. But David needn’t have worried. Joe and Mika were there to hold both of their hands and present the two as just really great guys and awesome human beings.
The formula was clear from the start — Scarborough would ask the Kochs ‘policy’ questions while Mika would do the human interest parts. Therefore, we got inanities from Brzezinski like her asking the two, “Which one was the good brother growing up?” She also hyped up Charles’ book Good Profit and let him push forth the notion that their company is one of the safest for the environment, a claim that is beyond laughable but was met with no follow-up or pushback. She also expressed amazement that two guys who were born rich could make a company profitable.
Meanwhile, while Mika was a bit more demure and coy, Joe had no problem just pulling out both brothers’ dicks and swallowing them whole. He gushed over just how powerful and influential they are. He made sure to paint them as victims of Democratic cruelty, especially from the “vicious attacks” by Harry Reid. Scarborough also told the two brothers that their brand of libertarian politics is really catching on with Americans. Just like Mika, he never really put any pressure on the duo, letting them present themselves as concerned citizens who want to get rid of corporate welfare and cronyism in politics by spending hundred of millions of dollars buying politicians.
It is hilarious listening to Mika and Joe criticize other networks and publications daily for what they see as poor journalism and biased coverage, only to see them give sloppy blowjobs to two elderly billionaires who are trying to buy Washington. Seriously, after this ‘interview,’ you two need to totally shut the fuck up when it comes to talking shit about the rest of the media.
Below is a segment of the interview, courtesy of MSNBC: