Donald Trump: I’m A Strong Believer In Polls, But Only When They Show Me In The Lead

Over the past few days, sentient candy corn and GOP Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has been losing his shit over recent Republican polls that show him falling behind retired neurosurgeon and slow talking psychopath Ben Carson in Iowa. After both Quinnipiac and Bloomberg showed that Carson had taken a nearly ten-point lead in the state among GOP voters, Trump immediately went on the attack, despite his previous pledge to leave Carson alone as long as the good doctor didn’t personally insult him. He also expressed the view that the two polls were skewed and biased against him, despite previously praising them when they had him in the lead.
After the release of those two polls, two others came out on Monday showing Carson even further ahead. Monmouth has the soft-spoken Tea Party darling with a 14-point lead, while Loras College has Carson up by 12 points. Also, a CBS/NY Times poll released on Tuesday shows Carson overtaking Trump nationally among Republican voters, 26% to 22%.
During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Tuesday morning — has he gone more than three days without calling into this program? — the celebrity billionaire explained that while he is a big believer in polls, he doesn’t think the surveys showing him trailing are scientific. He feels that the swings they are showing are too big, even though any time he’s seen a large shift in his favor, he’s taken to Twitter to brag about the new numbers. (It should be pointed out that Carson has been building momentum in Iowa and nationally for a while now.)
After panelist Mark Halperin asked him about his habit of celebrating polls where he’s up but slamming the ones that show him lagging, the Trumpster said the following:
“I think you have to understand polls — I believe in polls. I generally believe in polls. The thing with these polls, they are all so different. They are coming from all over the lot where one guy is up here, somebody else is up there, you see swings of ten and twelve points immediately, even the same day.
So right now it’s not very scientific. I think it’s very hard when you have this many. But overall Mark, I am a believer in polls, they say something.”
Alrighty then. Obviously, this is just the fantastic whiner doing what he does best — whining. But it also shows that you can’t take anything he says seriously. (I know, I know, tell us something we didn’t know already.) He also told the Morning Joe crew that he just doesn’t get why he is starting to lose against Carson, pointing to his big crowds on the campaign trail.
Poor, poor Donald.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC:
People must realize that Satan ruled this planet for a time too. Therefore, his DNA is still present today.