Donald Trump Pulled Himself Up By His Bootstraps By Getting A Million Dollar Loan From Daddy

Another day, another opportunity for walking Jack-O-Lantern Donald Trump to say something mind-numbingly idiotic. A day after retweeting some obscure right-wing blog that gave him credit for Ford moving some jobs back to Ohio — something that had been in the works since 2011 — the reality TV star and Republican Presidential poll-leader appeared on NBC’s TODAY to participate in a live town hall forum. As one would guess, the orange one found a way to say something beyond stupid in an attempt to relate with his salt of the earth fans.
Sitting with host Matt Lauer, Trump took a question from one attendee who wanted to know if the celebrity billionaire has ever been told no before. It seems this was a question to check if The Donald had become too insulated from reality due to surrounding himself with yes men and growing up privileged. Of course, in typical Trump fashion, he not only said he’d been told no many times before, but presented himself as a bootstrapper who had to scratch a hardscrabble existence in his early years with nothing more than his wits — and a “small” million-dollar loan from his ultra-rich pops.
“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars, I came into Manhattan. And I had to pay him back, I had to pay him back with interest. I came into Manhattan, I started buying properties, I did great, and then I built the Grand Hyatt, and I got involved with the convention—I did a good job. But I was always told that that would never work.”
See, Donald is just like you and me! He didn’t get anything handed to him. Fuck, he had to pay his dad back. I mean that’s real shit, man. All he ever got was just that measly million bucks and his dad’s influence while he tried to claw and scratch his way in the same industry that his father had flourished. Obviously, it was a tough road.
Poor, poor Donald. He truly did have it harder than most.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of NBC: