‘Fox & Friends’ Spends Entire Morning Whining About Democrats Giving Away Free Stuff

Something strange happened on Tuesday night. After witnessing two Republican primary debates where the candidates spent all of their time ripping each other and seeing who could say the most outlandish things in order to gain ground on a reality TV star, CNN hosted the first Democratic debate of the election season. And what do you know, the candidates actually spoke at length about real issues and policy solutions and (mostly) refrained from personal attacks. I’m sure many of those who tuned in were scratching their heads, wondering why we were being subjected to adults acting like adults, rather than a pro-wrestling style clusterfuck.
With the Democrats making the Republican hopefuls look like a bunch of immature assholes who have no ideas other than to whine about Obummer and talk about how conservative they are, Fox News knew it needed to get right to work on spinning the successful debate performance into a negative for the Dems. After a night full of debate ‘analysis’ by Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and Fox’s plethora of right-wing talking heads, we were given the narrative du jour with Wednesday morning’s broadcast of Fox & Friends — Democrats are promising all kinds of free stuff to buy votes!
Noticing that Bernie Sanders discussed making public college free and Hillary Clinton advocating for paid family leave as a major policy point of hers, the idiot triumvirate, obviously on orders from Roger Ailes, pushed the idea that all the Democratic Party wants to do is give freebies away so as to attract low information voters who don’t realize how much this will all cost hard-working Americans. Seemingly every segment of the show Wednesday focused on the hosts and a guest complaining that the Dem strategy was unfettered socialism brought on by unwieldy taxes.
Early on, we had Fox Business anchor Stuart Varney reacting harshly to much of what he heard during the debate, stating that proposals he heard from Clinton, Sanders and others would mean “taxing the rich” and causing a recession, “if not a depression.” He then specifically said that Democrats were buying votes by giving away free stuff.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
Later on in the broadcast, Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio appeared to discuss the debate. In reality, he was just there to bitch about Democrats, push his campaign and try out the ‘free stuff’ talking point. Speaking to the curvy couch sitters, the Florida Senator said the following:
“It was basically a liberal verses liberal debate about who was going to give away the most free stuff: Free college education, free college education for people illegally in this country, free health care, free everything. Their answer to every problem in America is a government program and a tax increase. That’s all they prescribe time and time again.”
Below is video of the interview, courtesy of Fox News:
At another point in the show, monotone voice enthusiast Laura Ingraham was brought on to talk about the debate because why the fuck not. This just presented another opportunity to toss out the already worn out canard. In this instance, it was grinning moron Steve Doocy doing the honors, as he said that if you listen to Bernie Sanders, “everything is going to be a gravy train. Just a trough. Open it up!”
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
And so it went on Wednesday morning. While the GOP looks to be in shambles from infighting, lack of leadership, an embrace of nihilism and a narcissistic billionaire residing at the top of the polls, the party’s communications arm needs to distract from those disasters. Especially if the other party appears far more mature and focused.