You Need Some New Material, Donald! Trump Ends Fox News ‘Boycott’ After A Few Days

Well, this was all so predictable that you could have set your watch to it. GOP Presidential frontrunner and half-melted piece of candy corn Donald Trump ended his ‘boycott’ of Fox News less than a week after claiming he would not appear on the network “for the foreseeable future.” The New York Times confirmed that the real estate mogul is booked for The O’Reilly Factor Tuesday evening, ending Trump’s latest manufactured feud with Fox.
Obviously, The Donald is looking to milk whatever media attention he can get from his self-made controversy. However, is anyone even going to give a shit over this one? This is seriously the third time he’s kissed and made up with the network after causing a commotion over not being treated fairly by the ‘Fair & Balanced’ channel. He’s continuously whined and pitched a fit over the way Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly treated him at last month’s GOP debate. Since then, he’s trolled her and the network endlessly on Twitter whenever it seems he isn’t getting enough of play in the cable news cycle.
Last week, he decided to target Bill O’Reilly along with Kelly, likely because he needed a new ‘war’ to generate some fake publicity. It should be noted that there were a number of major news stories that bumped the reality TV star out of the headlines. Beyond that, all of the recent major polls have shown his lead among Republicans shrinking, with his support stalled in the low to mid 20s.
Trump appeared on the season premiere of 60 Minutes Sunday evening in an interview that was taped days prior. However, after the interview aired, Trump predictably complained that Scott Pelley wasn’t fair to him. Of course, Pelley wasn’t fair because he pressed Trump to actually explain how he was going to accomplish all of the very great and very magnificent things he has promised. That includes Trump’s ludicrous new tax plan, which is estimated to cost the country $10.8 trillion over the next decade, if enacted. (Don’t worry, it won’t be. Ever.)
With his lead in the polls quickly dissipating, and the fact that he’s being exposed as the two-bit con artist he truly is by the mainstream press, the Trumpster needs Fox more than ever. He figures he can play his carny games with Fox News and Roger Ailes a bit longer and they’ll be willing to go right along with him due to ratings. However, that game will only work for so long. Trump is already starting to look like a lost cause for GOPers and Fox knows it.
The end is drawing nigh for Trump. He knows it, and he’s just playing out the string until he falls to second or third in the polls. At that point, he’ll find some way to drop out of the race with his dignity (somewhat) intact. He has to. His brand can’t afford for him to be actually beaten in any primaries or caucuses, as that will leave him labeled a loser.