Fox News Devotes Entire Day Of Programming To Criticizing Obama Over Chattanooga Shooting

You just knew the direction Fox News was going to go once it was revealed that the shooter who killed four Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Thursday was Muslim. And, without fail, the network immediately got to work tying the killings to ISIS and radical Islam. (Though they had to walk the ISIS connection back when they discovered they were provided with bogus information.) And because they were making the case that radical Islamic terrorism was a clear and present danger to all Americans everywhere, they also had to get to work on criticizing our Imam-In-Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama.
While Thursday night’s programming spent a decent amount of time with the Obummer criticism, as one would expect from the likes of O’Reilly and Hannity, the walking orders were handed down Friday morning that every program had to devote a certain amount of time to slamming the President for not immediately calling the shooting an act of terrorism. In his statement Thursday, Obama said that he was informed by the FBI that the murders were the actions of a “lone wolf gunman.” So far, no connections have been made between the shooter, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulzazeez, and any terrorist organizations, and no motive has been determined yet. Abdulzazeez was killed during the attack.
Regardless of the current facts, Fox wanted Obama to say radical Islamic terrorism right away because, ya know, Muslim guy and stuff. They know Bush the Lesser would have said it right away, because he was The Decider. So, that was the overriding narrative of the early part of the day Friday at Fox. (Instead of, oh, I don’t know, maybe just reporting on the ongoing investigation and what is known at this point. But that would be what news organizations do.)
Let’s go down the line and see the segments each program devoted to Obama criticism, shall we?
First, you have good ol’ Fox & Friends. They did us proud by bringing on Mr. 9-11 himself, Rudy Giuliani, for an extended conversation.
While that wasn’t the only instance of F&F going in on POTUS, it was the most noteworthy.
Next, we have America’s Newsroom, where Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX) was brought on to not only go after the President for his weakness on domestic terrorists, but also complain about the lack of guns on military bases.
Over on Happening Now, not only was Obama criticized for not wanting to immediately yell RADICAL MOOSLIMS, but the “liberal media” got pilloried for its reporting.
On the eye candy for horny old men show Outnumbered, the panel spent half the broadcast attacking Obama and his administration for downplaying the shooting.
During The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, host Gretchen Carlson gave her ‘take’ on President Obama not saying terrorism when talking about the shooting.
You can bet every dollar you have that the primetime broadcast will go heavy on the ‘Obama is an Islamic sympathist’ angle on Friday evening.